- Attorneys and Tax Aaccountants
Stephan ChaiAttorney(US)
- Specializing in Inheritance(US)
- Probate
- Living Trust
Specialization in US Law
- ㆍ Inheritance
- ㆍ Probate
- ㆍ Living Trust
- ㆍ Estate Planning
- ㆍ Power of Attorney
- ㆍ Asset Protection
- ㆍ Trust Administration
- ㆍ Law Office of Stephen Chai in Los Angeles
- ㆍ California Bar Licensed
- ㆍ Patent Bar Licensed
- ㆍ Member of LA County Bar Association
- ㆍ Member of Korean Community Lawyer’s Association
- ㆍ Columnist at the Korea Daily
- ㆍ Director of KACCLA
- ㆍ Notary Public