Solving the inheritance problem of The Smart Inheritance
for clients living in various countries
  • 01. Request consultation

    (Phone / Video / email consultation available)

    request consultation with a inheritance attorney in Korea to find an accurate diagnosis, necessary response, and clear solution.

    (Consultation available via KakaoTalk, Google meet, Zoom)

  • 02. Request for Legal Action

    Confirmation of necessary work

  • 03. Formation of a team of attorneys for resolution

    Attorneys specializing in the field of inheritance are organized into teams to proceed with the case of the client.

  • 04. Real-time communication with the attorney in charge and work progress

    We will guide you through KakaoTalk or email.

  • 05. Inheritance problem solved
“The key to resolving inheritance issues for overseas residents lies in the meticulous preparation of accurate documents for each country of residence.
Seek the assistance of Smart Inheritance with their wealth of experience to ensure a smoother process.”
Reviews from an overseas clients
  • Managing Overseas Inheritance with Smarter Inheritance
    When parents pass away, leaving behind property in Korea, it is important to note that even if the deceased's spouse or children are U.S. citizens (or permanent residents), the inheritance will be governed by Korean law.
    We specialize in resolving Korean inheritance matters for individuals residing in different countries.
    If you require our assistance, please click on the website consultation request.

Ready to get professional help from a Korean inheritance attorney?
(*English consultation available)