The Smart Inheritance
Attorney Woori Lee made an appearance on Radio Korea NY
  • 2023. 10. 31



Attorney Woori Lee, specializing in Inheritance Law, is currently in New York for the 4th Korean Inheritance Counseling Conference. On October 30th, he made an appearance on Radio Korea NY, a Korean radio station in New York.

During the hour-long segment, Attorney Woori Lee provided insights on how U.S. citizens and permanent residents can prepare for Korean inheritance disputes and securely and expeditiously receive Korean inherited property. Even if you are unable to receive in-person inheritance advice, we hope you find this information valuable.

Our schedule in New York will conclude by October 31st, and we will continue our Korean inheritance counseling session in Toronto, Canada, from November 1st. If you require Korean inheritance counseling and would like to meet a Korean inheritance attorney in person, please make a reservation before the end of this counseling session.

Thank you.

▶ Consultation period: New York from October 28th to 31st, Toronto from November 1st to 3rd

▶ Consultation contents: Inheritance tax-saving law, cashing in Korean property and remittance to the U.S. and Canada, inheritance registration of Korean real estate, inheritance litigation including judgment on division of inherited property and claim for return of reserved portion, settlement of inheritance debt (abandonment of inheritance, limited approval)

▶ How to make a reservation for the 4th Korean Inheritance Counseling Session 

▷ Email: 

▷ KakaoTalk: Korean inheritance counseling session (click)

▷ Homepage: 

▷ Phone: 206-229-2478 / 206-229-1372